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Tis is e storie over litel duimpie
hij wos so klain he wos litteler than is eigen dumpy.
Daar woeseroes a little boy, wo was so little, that everyone gave him the byname of Little Dumpy.
He had six brothertjes and six sistertjes.
His father was a woodhacker and his mother was working in the hoesholding.
On a given day the father said: "I hold it no longer out, I work myself theblubber''.
"What are you going to do now?'' mother said.
"Well", the father said, "tomorrow I bring the hole bubs into the wood and when they are very genoegh I let them in the steek''.
But Little Dumpy, very good by the time and heartsticke pienter, had heard verything.
At night he had two sneets of bread and he slipped out of the bed.
He went to the tuinpath and propped his tucks full of kaiselstones.
The next morning the father bracht the childeren into the wood.
And by every step, Little Dumpy let fallen a kaiselstone.
When they are ver genoegh in the wood the father let them in the steek.
But Little Dumpy said to his brothertjes and sistertjes "Kelm on, kelm on, doenot kraai, I bring you heelhouds beck''.
And via his kaiselstones they came home. The father was just sitting on the play as he heard the doorbel clingel.
There was the hole bubs again. The next morning the father did the zelfde.But Dumpy had no time to pick up kaiselstones,
so he did it with a packy volkoren King Corn (het only you smite away is the verpacking).
When the olders let them in the steek again,
Little Dumpy said opnew: "Kelm on, kelm on, I bring you heelhouds back just like gisterday".
But he could not find the way because thoos verrecte mushes had eaten up the bread, ant agen de childeren kraai and kraai.
Little Dumpy set: "Keep your big waffles sjut", and he clettert in a tree, looked om his heen and saw a little lightje.
It was the light of the house of a big rus, and russen like to eat little childeren up with houd and hair.
But as I said, Little Dumpy was so very pienter, he packed the seven meils leersen of the big rus and he sjouwed to their home.
The father stood by the gardenheckey with a verrelooker and saw the hole bubs coming down.
And when they not are storven, they live long and happy.
The eint.
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Score: 100% (2)
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